Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nourishing My Soul

On Saturday Joan and I went to the Merrickville Artists Guild Studio Tour Sale. We first visited Robin Baker's studio... and what a studio and what a story it has... complete with a wonderful creative energy. We hadn't seen Robin for about 23 years when we moved away from our home on Bolton Road.

Robin is a multiple media artist whose greatest love is the human figure:

We then visited Holley Dean's studio The Studio at Greyweathers and while Joan renewed contact with Holley I poked around and soaked in the warm creative energy of her studio which she shares with her partner Larry Thompson. I felt stimulated creatively but also felt a strong emotion build in me that was strongly tinged with a melancholy which I didn't understand.

Afterwards Joan and I decided to go for a walk to the canal and avoid overloading ourselves with more exposure to other artists' creative energies.

While walking we talked about our studio visits and I told Joan of my emotional response at Greyweathers. We explored it for a while and I told her of my current worries about expending energy and time writing another newsletter and how I found that after going to my studio every morning for the past few weeks I simply didn't want to make time for the newsletter.

After following the line of thought for a while she suggested that my issue was that I wanted to be feeding my soul and not my ego.

I found such comfort in these words and I am so glad to have found the words that express my current state that I decided to return to my blog share this revelation.

So, tomorrow I go back to the studio and my clay and my current Great Bowls of Fire! project and continue the nourishment of my soul.